In the second Megadrop, Binance killed many accounts like crazy, which is a major benefit for us small retail investors. There have always been studios buying KYC accounts to make money on Binance. After tasting the sweetness of the first Megadrop studio, a large number of KYC accounts were collected. The original 3U account increased to 5-6U, which was almost doubled. The actual number of participants in the second phase reached more than one million. Lista in the second phase is also a low DFV currency with great potential. An empty account without BNB can easily make 30u. There is even a studio that has 9,000 small accounts for collection, 30x9,000=27w usdt, which is a sure way to make a fortune.

The existence of the studio for making money has lowered the value obtained by real users. The positive feedback that was originally intended to encourage user interaction has become a tool for the studio to eat away at the locusts. Fortunately, Binance has taken high-pressure crackdown measures, and this situation should not be seen in the next phase.

What's funny is that the competitor OK does the opposite. One wallet account can create 100 wallets in batches to facilitate the studio, resulting in basically 0 income from OK's interactive tasks, so there are basically only studios working there, and the environment is rotten.

The ecosystem on the Binance chain is not well developed, and there are no star projects. On the one hand, there is the gas fee issue, and on the other hand, few people use L2 opBNB. The chain of the exchange is not as good as the public chain, no matter which exchange, and the chains of other exchanges are even more obscure. The valuations of projects on the chain are very low, or they will go bankrupt and run away before TGE.

Most projects are benchmarked against existing projects on the public chain, such as the second phase of MegaDrop Lista project, which is liquidity pledge, and Koliex is a benchmark decentralized contract platform.

Lista DAO is an open source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and the liquidity center of LSDfi on the BNB smart chain. Users can pledge their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized mortgage assets and their related LST.

It can be seen that Lista DAO is a lending agreement of the BNB chain. By lending BNB, slisBNB can be obtained and points can be obtained. SlisBNB can be pledged elsewhere to obtain points, forming a secondary pledge to improve the utilization rate of funds. This gameplay is very familiar to everyone on Ethereum, that is, the mode of killing many birds with one stone, forming a nesting doll, but the risk is that as long as one link in the middle fails, there will be a loss of principal.
