
IO current market analysis

1-hour level: It shows a short market, which may indicate that there is a certain correction pressure in the market in the short term.

2-hour level: A yellow dot appears, which is usually regarded as a long buy point, indicating that at this time level, the long force begins to appear.

4-hour level: It is broken after the purple dot and continues to go long, which means that in a longer time period, the long side has the advantage and the market trend tends to rise.

4-hour level: Since the long force continues and has the advantage, we should pay attention to the market changes at this time level.

The long and short price at the 4-hour level is near 3.411.

If the price can stand firm at this price: the long side will continue to enter the market and push the price up. The upward target pressure levels are near 3.563, 3.608 and 3.647 respectively.

If the price cannot stand firm at this price: the short side may have the opportunity to enter the market and push the price down. The downside target support levels are located near 3.356, 3.326 and 3.296.

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