Three employees of the cybersecurity company 360 were sentenced for stealing virtual currency from others, making a total profit of more than 2.5 million yuan (from

According to the accusation of the People's Procuratorate of Xuhui District, Shanghai, from February 9 to 20, 2023, Hong (former vice president of Qihoo 360 Advanced Attack Research Institute) colluded with Yang and Zhang to obtain the target virtual currency website permissions by analyzing and exploiting the Yapi remote code execution vulnerability, and then controlled the intranet server by means of intranet lateral penetration and implanting Trojans. After finding the server source code, they downloaded and analyzed the victim Su's virtual wallet address, private key, etc., and constructed false instructions to transfer the virtual currency in the victim's virtual wallet address.

Subsequently, they exchanged it for other virtual currencies and sold it, obtaining a total of more than 2.5 million yuan in illegal income. During this period, Zheng (the leader of the weapons group of the 360 ​​company's advanced attack and defense laboratory) forged Dash coin signatures and broadcast transactions according to Hong's instructions, and transferred 3015.9 Dash coins from the victim.

Hong refused to confess at first after being notified by the public security organ, but later confessed the above criminal facts basically truthfully. Zheng confessed after being notified by the public security organ. Hong and Zheng have repaid RMB 962,790 and RMB 70,000 respectively. (The probation period is calculated from the date of the final judgment. The fine has been paid.)

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