DeBridge-----DeFi🪂Cross-chain Bridge!

Smooth experience:

With the launch of Layerzero, although its "insulting airdrop" and forced donation operations have been criticized by the entire network, we have to face the rigid demand for cross-chain and interoperability for the current multi-chain market structure of Web3.

deBridge's initial proof of concept was submitted in the Chainlink Global Hackathon in the summer of 2021 and won first place among more than 150 teams worldwide.

Today, deBridge is the fastest growing cross-chain protocol with more than 405,000 independent users and more than $20 million in cross-chain transaction volume per day. It has become the core DeFi infrastructure relied on by projects such as Jupiter, Solflare Wallet, Zeta Markets, Birdeye, Banana Gun, etc.

The old bridging model means long waits, handling wrapped assets, possible bridge transfer jams, and not knowing how much will be received on the destination chain.

Together, these issues create a huge friction in bridging to/from Solana. These are not just frictions, but barriers - limiting Solana's usefulness in applications like cross-chain payments, where the amount received must be guaranteed.

deBridge solves this problem. With our approach, any team can create a global entry point to their Solana application without compromising on user experience - nearly instant settlement, deep liquidity and efficiency, and guaranteed results.

🎈All information about the deBridge protocol

Infrastructure, transfer mechanisms can be found at the following link:

Highly recommended for everyone to participate in the silky experience, potential airdrops expected


🎈Please note that remember to use a new wallet to participate in the experience first.

#空投交互 #跨链桥 #Meme板块普涨