#Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息? #美国PCE数据将公布

Coin circle positioning suggestions: How many do you know at present?

No matter what information you hear, it is recommended to judge by yourself whether the current market is in a bull market or a bear market:

In the early stage of the bull market: start to slowly lay out.

In the middle stage of the bull market: gradually leave the market.

In the late stage of the bull market: contact to exchange USDT, and conduct arbitrage operations such as free pledge mining.

In the early stage of the bear market: be prepared for a big drop, wait and see with empty positions, or short with small positions when the market is bad.

In the middle stage of the bear market: study potential projects, participate in interactions, brush points, and win future profits.

In the late stage of the bear market: withdraw funds, enjoy life, and wait for the market to pick up the bottom.