🔥Hot news! According to Odaily Planet Daily, the latest data from SolanaFloor shows that the number of pre-order token holders for Solana Mobile's second smartphone, Chapter 2, has exceeded the 140,000 mark! 🚀

This is exciting news and a strong endorsement of Solana Mobile's products. The increase in the number of pre-order token holders for this smartphone undoubtedly proves the market's enthusiastic expectations and trust in it. 🎉

However, we must also look at this phenomenon rationally. Although this number looks large, it is only a small part of the entire cryptocurrency market. We must always be vigilant and not be confused by these short-term data. 🔍

In general, we continue to be optimistic about Bitcoin. Despite market fluctuations, the value and influence of Bitcoin remain stable. 👍

Let us look forward to the launch of Solana Mobile's second smartphone, Chapter 2, and see if it can create greater miracles in the market! 🌟