Odaily Planet Daily News On June 25, U.S. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler spoke about the intersection of cryptocurrencies and securities laws, the political impact of crypto regulation, and his priorities at the SEC in an interview at the Bloomberg Investment Summit. Gensler emphasized that there is no inconsistency between crypto securities and existing securities laws. He noted that the rules governing securities are clear and can protect investors and ensure fair, orderly and efficient markets. Despite this, he believes that a large number of entities within the cryptocurrency space do not comply with these laws. Such violations are a key issue that the SEC aims to address through its regulatory oversight. Regarding the growing political significance of the cryptocurrency industry, Gensler said his main responsibility is to protect investors and supervise issuers to ensure access to fair, orderly and efficient markets. He added that others can also participate in political discussions, but his responsibility is to maintain the integrity of the capital market. (Bloomberg)