According to TechFlow, Blur announced on the X platform that Season 3 will end on June 26 at 10am EST, 10pm HKT, and 4pm CET. Season 3 participants will receive BLAST tokens from the Blast Foundation.

The Blast Foundation will allocate 3% of BLAST to the Blur Foundation, of which 1% will be distributed to Blur traders and BLUR holders in Season 3 (0.5% each). Another 0.5% has been reserved for Blur traders in Season 4, more details will be announced on June 26, and another 0.5% will be reserved for future use. The remaining 1% will be reserved for BLUR holders in Season 4.

Additionally, top recipients of the Season 3 airdrop will have a portion of the airdrop unlocked linearly over 6 months, with unlocking based on time and no additional conditions. More details on Season 4 will be announced on June 26.