Forecast for cryptocurrency #COMBO

↗️🟢 +103%

💰Market cap: $44.0M

Fully diluted market cap: $61.9M

Price change over 30 days: -12.5%

Main exchange by volume: Binance

The COMBO price at the beginning of the period falls from 1.2 to about 0.6, then recovers to 1 and falls again to 0.6.

🔥 The greatest activity of liquidations is observed during periods of sharp price drops.

🚨 Key observations:

In April and early June, there is intense liquidation as prices fall.

🟢 Maximum activity in the range of 0.8-1.0 and 0.6-0.7.

At the end of June, liquidation activity decreases as the price stabilizes.

🔮 Forecast:

With a further drop in price to 0.6, an increase in liquidations is expected.

If the price recovers and consolidates above 0.7, liquidation activity will decrease.

Level 0.6-0.7 will be critical for future liquidations.

👀 Watch levels 0.6 and 0.7 as critical points for liquidations.

📝If you have any more questions ➡️🌀@INVESTIDEAUA