According to TechFlow, on June 25, the People's Procuratorate of Xuhui District, Shanghai, accused three 360 ​​employees, Hong, Yang and Zhang (all handled separately), of using the Yapi remote code execution vulnerability to obtain the target virtual currency website permissions, and controlling the server through intranet penetration and implanting Trojans, stealing the victim Su's virtual wallet address and private key, transferring and selling virtual currency, and making a total illegal profit of more than 2.5 million yuan. During this period, Zheng forged Dash coin signatures and broadcast transactions, transferring 3015.9 Dash coins.

Hong and Zheng have reimbursed 962,790 yuan and 70,000 yuan respectively. The court found that their actions constituted theft and sentenced Hong to three years in prison, suspended for four years, and a fine of 50,000 yuan; Zheng to three years in prison, suspended for three years, and a fine of 50,000 yuan. Hong was the former vice president of Qihoo 360 Advanced Attack Research Institute, and Zheng was the leader of the weapons group of 360 Advanced Attack and Defense Laboratory.