When you first enter the cryptocurrency circle, three key points will help you make steady progress!

When you first step into the cryptocurrency circle, a world full of opportunities and challenges, you may feel both excited and confused. In order to help you get started better, Brother Ray has summarized the following three important experiences for everyone. If you master them, you will have surpassed most people.

1. Stay calm and avoid frequent transactions

When you first enter the cryptocurrency circle, remember not to be confused by short-term market fluctuations. Frequently watching the market, worrying about prices, and staying up all night are often the same as gambling, not real investment. Real investment requires a calm mind and long-term planning. Avoid impulsive trading, focus on research and learning, understand the true value of the project, and then make a decision.

2. Do what you can and accumulate experience

The cryptocurrency circle is a field full of routines, so if you lack experience, don't blindly invest a lot of money. It is recommended to start from within the range of acceptable losses, so that even if you encounter setbacks, it will not have much impact on your life and psychology. Strictly follow your investment plan and use a small amount of funds without additional funds to take risks and trial and error. In this way, you can gradually accumulate experience in the cryptocurrency circle and lay the foundation for greater investment in the future.

3. Explore diversified income channels

In the cryptocurrency circle, cryptocurrency speculation is just one of many ways to make money. In order to reduce risks, you can explore more diversified income channels. For example, participate in early investment in high-quality projects, mining, understand and use decentralized finance (DeFi), etc. Remember, returns are always proportional to investment. Through continuous experimentation and learning, you will be able to find the most suitable profit model for you and make full use of various opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle.


When you first enter the cryptocurrency circle, experience is a valuable asset. By keeping calm, doing what you can and exploring diversified income channels, you will be able to better avoid risks, accumulate experience and find the most suitable way to make money for yourself. I hope you will make steady progress in the cryptocurrency circle and realize your dream of wealth! $BTC $ETH $BNB #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安合约锦标赛