🚀The new crypto gaming project FatBoy, developed by CleevioX on the Arbitrum network, brings back the fun of childhood in the style of Tamagotchi, but now with the ability to earn cryptocurrency! 🎮

FatBoy is a virtual character that you need to take care of to keep him happy. The happier your FatBoy, the more you earn!

The game features many characters such as Fat Mask, Fatanders, Fat Kim and many more. Each FatBoy has a certain level and amount of luck, along with a rating and special traits.

FatBoy not only offers a P2E game, but also a developed ecosystem with many advantages. The project provides fast trades and auto-sniping for seamless crypto activity.

FATTY is the native token of the FatBoy game. With FATTY, users can purchase in-game assets which can then be used to make their FatBoy happy.

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