The Altcoin market will flourish from July.

Please follow the following coincident characteristics of the 4-year cycle of the Altcoin market:

1. Period June 2020 - November 2020:

Most Altcoins have increased 3 to 5 times after Bitcoin price approached the old peak of 20,000 USD. After that, Altcoins continued to increase sharply over the next 2 months, with some altcoins even increasing 10 to 20 times.

2. Period October 2023 - March 2024:

Altcoins continue to pump up 3 to 5 times, simultaneously reflecting Bitcoin's peak break. Some altcoin projects have increased 10 to 15 times, for example FET and TRU.

=>> Currently, the market is going through a gloomy period similar to 2020, from the pumping process to the pumping method.

=>> It is expected that the market will increase sharply when the FED reduces interest rates or from July onwards and especially in September-October.

Remember, the crypto market is always volatile and has many influencing factors. We need to monitor carefully to make reasonable investment decisions. 🚀




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