#APE $APE APE Market Overview

Bull and Short Situation

1/2/4 hour level: At present, the bulls have the upper hand, especially at the 4-hour level, where the watershed between the bulls and the bears is near 0.9230. This means that if the APE price can stabilize above this position, the bulls will continue to maintain their advantage.

Focus: For investors, the 0.9230 position at the 4-hour level should be focused on, as it will be the key to judging the strength of both the bulls and the bears.

Support level analysis

Lower support: APE has multiple support levels during the decline, namely 0.9028, 0.8716 and 0.8422. These positions are the "defense line" for investors to hold positions safely. As long as the APE price does not fall below these support levels, investors' positions are relatively safe.

Pressure level analysis

Upper pressure: APE faces multiple pressure levels during the rise, namely 0.9953, 1.0104 and 1.0264. These positions are the "threshold" for APE prices to rise further. If APE can successfully break through these pressure levels, it will hopefully open a new chapter of rising prices.

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