#SHIB $SHIB SHIB Market Dynamics Overview

At present, the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour trends of SHIB all show a bullish trend. Among them, we should pay special attention to the key long-short dividing point at the 4-hour level, that is, the area where the price is close to 0.00017182.

In the downward trend, there are three obvious support levels, namely 0.000017182, 0.000016672 and 0.000016309. These three price ranges together form a line of defense to protect the safety of investors' positions.

In the upward trend, we noticed the three pressure levels of 0.000017529, 0.000017986 and 0.000018221. If the price can successfully break through these levels, it is expected to open a new chapter in SHIB prices.

Therefore, investors need to maintain a high degree of market alertness, pay close attention to the market dynamics, and flexibly adjust strategies to cope with various changes in the market.

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