ETFs continue to see capital outflows, with the outflow amount reaching $175 million yesterday. At the same time, Mentougou received major negative news, saying that it will start paying $9 billion in Bitcoin in early July, and it is expected that about $4.5 billion will flow out of the market.

Although the market faces multiple negative factors, the golden needle bottoming out in the early morning makes him still optimistic that the market can rebound to $63,000.

This analysis is valid for 1 day, and the following are the reference points for buying and selling:

Buying point 1: 60,000 USDT

Buying point 2: 59,000 USDT

Long stop loss point: 58,500 USDT

Selling point 1: 63,000 USDT

Selling point 2: 64,000 USDT

Short stop loss point: 64,500 USDT

All analysis content is for reference only and does not constitute any specific investment advice. Please avoid making trading decisions based on this.

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