BTC and ETH market analysis on June 25:

Today’s highlights

BTC 1-hour and 4-hour levels on the daily line have entered the oversold range. Don’t enter the oversold range. The macroeconomic environment is still affecting the market, the market is sluggish, and the fundamentals are still bearish. Wait and see. The upper resistance is 62000-62500 and the lower support is 56000-57000. After the rebound today, the probability of further decline is higher. Wait and see patiently

ETH 1-hour and 4-hour average levels have entered the oversold range. The daily level is lower than the healthy level. The positive expectations have been exhausted. The upper resistance is 3400-3450 and the lower support is 3120-3220. After the rebound today, the probability of continued decline is higher. Wait and see

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