#LDO $LDO Today's market trend analysis:

In today's LDO market, from 1 hour, 2 hours to 4 hours, the bulls dominate. Among them, if the purple signal appears, it may indicate that the market is about to have a correction trend.

It is particularly worth noting that the 4-hour level of long and short watershed is near 2.1963, which is a key reference point for today's market trend.

In terms of support, if the LDO price falls further, we need to pay close attention to the following key support levels: 2.1716, 2.1223 and 2.0688. These points will form important support for further price declines.

In terms of pressure, if the price rebounds, we should pay close attention to the following pressure levels: 2.4460, 2.4812 and 2.5304. These points may become important resistance points for price increases.

Although the overall market is short today, there is a potential rebound trend, so investors should pay close attention to the changes in the long-short watershed in order to make timely decisions.

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