Bitcoin's insertion to around 580 is in line with expectations. 580 is a very important support level, so the bulls will resist here, so the rebound to 645 is expected in the near future. The daily chart has formed an M top, and the market is in panic. This market is very similar to June last year. It is a volatile and negative market without a large-scale downward market;


It did not reach the expected 3140 yesterday, indicating that the bulls are relatively strong. Today, we will see a rebound to 3510;


The altcoin market did not follow the big cake and the concubine yesterday, indicating that it has reached the bottom. It is highly likely that the market will rebound while the main force is resting. From the comprehensive market, the rebound sector in this round will be AI, WLD, ARKM, POND, FET, and LAMB must be allocated.

#WLD🔥🔥🔥 #Pond