What a good show, Mt. Gox actually has to pay compensation according to the price of Bitcoin in 2014, which is $483! It is simply a farce in the financial world! What does this mean? Friends who once worried that Mt. Gox would sell a large number of Bitcoins in exchange for cash compensation can breathe a sigh of relief. The reality is that they don’t need to sell many Bitcoins at all. They only need to use the current value of one Bitcoin to repay the original more than 100 Bitcoins!

Therefore, these Bitcoins will still be firmly in the hands of institutions and continue to be hoarded. There will not be a large number of Bitcoins circulating in the market, and the price will naturally not be affected. It is really a magical financial operation, which makes people sigh that the world of Bitcoin is really full of drama!

This is simply using the magic of modern finance to turn back time to 2014, and people have to admire the "genius" creativity of these financial masters. Who would have thought that the compensation could shrink in this way? It really gave investors a vivid financial lesson: in the currency circle, time and value may be just a joke.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the massive selling of Bitcoin. After all, the ending of this drama has been carefully arranged. Next, let us wait and see what exciting plots are waiting for us. After all, in the world of Bitcoin, the only constant is change itself.

🚀💎$BTC #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美国PCE数据将公布
