
Action Security SA EN 1W: Break AMD on support at $146 for major uptrend💢💦

Subtitle :

Analysis of key Fibonacci levels and extension predictions for ambitious price targets🌼💫

Introduction :

Action Security SA prepares for a significant breakthrough by breaking critical AMD support at $146. Using Fibonacci retracement analysis, we target an uptrend that could reach new highs. This article examines key Fibonacci points and potential expansion goals.🎁⭐🎉

Résumé :

Action Security SA is closely monitoring AMD support at $146, a crucial level for determining the next trend. In the event of a break of this support, the key Fibonacci points at 0.38 ($142), 0.618 ($139), and 0.886 ($135) will be decisive in confirming the uptrend. By targeting the next Fibonacci extensions at 1.272 ($152), 1.414 ($155), 1.618 ($160), and 2.414 ($175), we can anticipate ambitious and strategic price movements. This detailed technical analysis is essential for investors looking to maximize their returns.🎊💥🌟💫🌼

Hashtags :

#Investment#TechnicalAnalysis#AMD#Fibonacci#ActionSecuritySA#BullTrend#StockMarket#StockMarket #Trading