Note: The original article was written by Akahilz!

Imagine a world where tokens are more than just a concept for virtual currency. On the WAX ​​blockchain, tokens are the lifeblood of thriving communities and the driving force behind exciting game economies. This article will take you into this exciting world and show you how to create and use tokens on the WAX ​​blockchain.

The interesting side of tokens: meme coins

Meme coins are the cheerleaders of the crypto world, creating vibrant online communities on platforms like Discord and Telegram. These communities are built through fun, engaging events like airdrops or social media missions, where participants are rewarded with free meme coins for participating. Collecting cool tokens and connecting with other people who share the same interests are all worthwhile rewards.

WAX is a hotbed of meme coins!

Recently, WUFFI joined WAX in airdropping $WUF to WAXP and WAX NFT holders, sparking a meme coin craze on the WAX ​​blockchain. And this is just the beginning, more innovative ways to earn $WUF are coming.


Change the gaming experience

Driven by the token economy, games are being fully upgraded. Imagine that the achievements made in the game can be converted into real rewards. What kind of experience is this! Players will not only invest in the story of the game, but also participate in the game's economic system and establish a deeper connection with the game.

Driving the development of games

Music Mogul uses $CNOTE and $CRED to drive game progression, while established games like Alien Worlds use $TLM to demonstrate the long-term success of this approach. In addition, many other successful game cases such as Wombat Dungeon Master's $WOMBA (which can be used in game and marketing), FGL Games' versatile $FGL (applicable to multiple games), and $LOOT designed to enrich the player experience are just a small sample of the token-driven development of games on the WAX ​​blockchain!

Creating tokens on WAX just got easier

Creating tokens on WAX is a breeze, and tools like WAXDAO ( make it possible. WAXDAO is user-friendly and provides a range of tools such as token creators, token farms, and DAOs to meet all of your tokenization needs. This user-friendly platform enables anyone to realize their creative ideas, even without programming experience.


Promote with Bountyblok

Building a strong community is key to your token’s success. Bountyblok ( offers innovative solutions to help you achieve this goal. Bountyblok lets you create giveaways where users promote your token through social media, blockchain events, or custom tasks in exchange for rewards. Bountyblok’s airdrop tool also lets you distribute meme tokens to specific NFT holders on WAX.

AtomicAds: Putting Tokens in the Spotlight

Targeted advertising is another powerful tool. AtomicAds ( allows you to run banner ads on Cloud Wallet, the most popular wallet in the WAX ​​ecosystem. This will directly expose your tokens to a highly relevant audience, increasing their visibility and engagement.

Building a strong community

A strong community needs to be built on communication and engagement. Platforms like Discord, Telegram, and Twitter/X are your allies in this regard. Use these platforms to facilitate discussions, provide support, make announcements, celebrate community achievements, and advertise partnerships with other projects.

Partnerships: Expanding Impact

Cooperation can significantly increase the value of the token. Consider listing your token on a platform like Alcor to expand your community, and explore secondary markets for your token to become a method of payment for digital collectibles. Remember, the key to success is having fun. Innovative ideas and fun applications keep your community engaged and excited.



The WAX ​​blockchain brings endless possibilities to tokens. What are you waiting for? Create your own meme coin, explore the exciting world of tokenized games, and join the vibrant WAX community!

Join the WAX ​​community.

Warm reminder: This article is for popular science purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice!