1. Interests. In any environment, we must quickly understand everyone’s interests and where they stand.

Otherwise, you don't know that you have offended someone with your words. I will cheat you without any negotiation.

Second, without regard to interests or rights, do not argue with anyone. When you see a child, praise him/her for his/her intelligence. When you see an old person, praise him/her for his/her youth. When you see a woman, praise her/her beauty. When you see a poor person, praise him/her for his/her honesty. When you see a cunning person, praise him/her for his/her flexibility.

If your criticism does not inspire him to change, you might as well say something nice and create a good relationship with him.

Third, no one in this world can tell you what to do and how to do it. You have to make your own decisions. No matter what situation you are in, for your own purpose, try to get as much help from others as possible, even if the person is rude or cold, as long as he does not really hinder you, you should accept him with an open mind, and ignore the rest, that is, neither be a partner nor an enemy.

Fourth, useful strategies, just stick to them. Just like what the Chinese political textbook says, stick to it for a hundred years without wavering, there is no need to constantly change the route, just follow one main line, and be patient, patient, and patient.

5. Always be positive and optimistic. If you think you are in the worst time now, then think, I am already the worst time now, if I work harder, I can be better than now.

If I can't face my difficulties with a positive attitude, then I can't insist on traveling around the world, and I can't get married. It doesn't matter if something can't be done in the short term. If you consider it in the time dimension of 5 or 10 years, it won't be so difficult. Without accumulating small steps, you can't reach a thousand miles.

What is more lacking than ideas is the focused and persistent execution.

6. Be objective and rational.

When someone scolds you, it is emotional. When someone praises you, it is also emotional.

The things you like tend to be emotionally charged, and the things you hate also tend to be emotionally charged.

I think one thing you need to do is, even if you are in the worst condition and others blame you, you must be able to objectively analyze your own strengths.

Even if you are disgusted by that person, you must be patient and see his shining points. I may scold you, but it will not affect my objective analysis and judgment of your abilities and character.

Disliking a person is just out of personal preference, but objectively analyzing the pros and cons of this person or this matter is not based on justice.

A person cannot let emotions blind his eyes and make himself stupid.

Even if I want to kill you, it won't stop me from praising your strengths. Even if I invest a lot of money in you, it won't stop me from analyzing your shortcomings. This is a psychological scale. Maybe it doesn't need to be said.

Whether a person is a wise man or a fool, you should have a scale in your heart and not be influenced by his status. Being rich does not affect his stupidity in certain things, and being poor does not affect his being a wise man.

In fact, successful people are those who persist in making breakthroughs in one thing. It is more about execution, concentration, external conditions or luck. Most of the other things are stupid.

Many people are not lacking in wisdom, but lacking in focus, stress resistance, conditions, execution, etc. Failure is not necessarily due to stupidity.

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