If you want to be one of the 10% winners, you must overcome more than 90% of irrational psychological fluctuations.

Most investors usually go through this mental journey: when they make a profit, they always want to stop the profit as soon as possible, for fear of losing the profit they have already obtained; but when they lose money, they are extremely unwilling and would rather take greater risks to try to recover the loss.

This is because our psychological feelings when facing losses are much stronger than when we make profits, that is to say, the pain of losing money is much greater than the happiness of making money. And these common public investment psychology are often the root cause of our investment failures-it is difficult for us to correctly treat the gains and losses in investment.

When trading, most people often rush to exit when they make a profit, but choose to procrastinate when they lose. This behavior is exactly contrary to the correct core concept of trading-hold on when right and correct when wrong.

We need to establish a correct concept of investment gains and losses. Only by overcoming our own human weaknesses can we be more likely to win in the investment market. Earn wealth within your own cognitive scope, make good plans, hold patiently, and firmly execute, so that you can overcome most of the irrational psychological fluctuations.

Ask all the coin friends a few questions

1. Are you losing money or making money now?

2. Have you ever been taken advantage of by others?

3. Have you found your own trading strategy?
