First, we need a Web3 wallet that supports the TON chain. The current mainstream choices are Telegram's built-in wallet and the third-party wallet Tonkeeper. Telegram's built-in wallet can be accessed directly through Telegram, while Tonkeeper needs to be downloaded and installed, and it also supports plug-in mode. Like most wallets, Tonkeeper requires users to save mnemonic information.

Once you have a wallet, you can start interacting with TON ecosystem projects. At present, all major exchanges basically support TON withdrawals, and users can buy TON from trading platforms and withdraw the coins to their wallets.


Tonstakers is a liquidity staking protocol and TON staker community for the TON blockchain. Rewards in the TON LSt protocol mainly come from validation rewards, which technically, at the pool level, come from interest payments on funds loaned out by validators for staking. Users who stake Toncoin using the TON LSt protocol receive a liquidity staking receipt token called Jetton Pool. This token is similar to JTO on SOL, and as we all know, the airdrop of JTO made many people rich. As the leader of liquidity staking on TON, Tonstakers is also full of expectations.

The way to participate is very simple. First, go to the webpage and link the wallet in the upper right corner. On the stake page, enter the amount you want to stake, then click the stake button below and complete the wallet signature. After the stake is successful, we can see that the tsTON asset has been added to the wallet.


If you want to redeem the staked assets, just enter the amount you want to redeem on the Unstake page, click Unstake, and then sign to confirm.


BEMO, another liquidity pledge project on the TON chain, is also worth a try. Visit the link: Currently, BEMO also provides a points query function.


In Bemo, you can also trade the STON.Fi project.


After entering the link, first link the wallet in the upper right corner, then follow the steps below and enter the amount of liquidity you want to add. After entering the amount of TON, the amount of stTON will be automatically displayed, and finally click Add Liquidity below.


If the corresponding number of tokens is not enough, you can trade them in swap.


There are other ecological projects on TON. You can check them out on defillama. You can play freely. The more you interact, the greater the future benefits will be. You may not get what you want if you do it, but you will definitely get nothing if you don't do it.


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