Babylon Chain Project Introduction and Operation Process

Dear blockchain enthusiasts, are you tired of waiting? Babylon Chain's Testnet-4 is coming to an end, but you still have a chance to grab this last airdrop opportunity and win generous $BBN rewards! Babylon Chain, an innovative project dedicated to expanding Bitcoin and ensuring the security of the decentralized world, is now opening its doors and inviting you to join in this blockchain feast.

Project Introduction:

  1. Mission and Goals

    • Babylon Chain's mission is to expand the boundaries of Bitcoin and provide a more secure and efficient infrastructure for the decentralized world by leveraging Bitcoin's asset value, reliable timestamps, and censorship-resistant block space.

    • The project has received $96 million in financing from well-known investment institutions such as Paradigm, Binance, Polychain, and HashKey, proving its strength and potential in the blockchain field.

  2. Testnet Highlights

    • Babylon’s Testnet-4 focuses on the security of staking Bitcoin, ensuring the stability and reliability of the staking process by testing the interaction between users and the BTC Signet test network.

Operating procedures:

  1. Prepare the Little Fox Wallet

    • Visit, select your device and download the Little Fox wallet to prepare for the next operation.

  2. Access to Babylon testnet

    • Visit, connect your Babylon wallet, and copy your wallet address.

  3. Get test BTC

    • Join Babylon’s Discord community (, in the “faucet-signet-btc” channel, enter !faucet "your address" to get the test BTC.

  4. Stake BTC

    • Return to, select a provider, enter the stake amount, and complete the BTC staking operation.

  5. Participate in Galxe missions to win rewards

    • Visit and use the referral code provided to participate in Galxe's Babylon chapter mission.

    • In Chapter 0, paste the transaction hash you copied from Discord and complete other tasks to claim your points reward.

    • Then enter Chapter 1, complete all tasks, and win more rewards.


Opportunities always come to those who are prepared. The Babylon chain's Testnet-4 airdrop opportunity is right in front of you. What are you waiting for? Take action quickly, join the Babylon chain family, and witness the future of blockchain together! Don't wait until you miss it to regret it, set off now and win your $BBN reward!

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