There are many reasons when the market is rising, and there are endless excuses when the market is falling. In the 21-year bull market, currencies in various tracks generally rose. At that time, people called it financial innovation, Web3 was hailed as the next productivity breakthrough point, and blockchain was regarded as a new round of technological revolution. However, now the market funds are reduced, confidence is declining, the currency price is falling, and various problems are gradually emerging. Because the price is falling, no matter what you do, it seems wrong. Problems such as low circulation, high unlocking, and high FDV have always existed and have become a commonplace topic.

Even if you are not wrong, even if these problems have always existed, there will still be people who keep picking faults and think that this is the reason why the currency price cannot go up and the market cannot improve.

When the market is good, all this will be reversed. Even if there are problems with VC coins, because the market is good, everyone will ignore these problems and desperately look for their advantages (I sometimes write articles to praise the fundamentals of some currencies). The market is like this, there are reasons when it rises, and excuses when it falls.

When the market is bad, you go to believe these people and look at all kinds of market phenomena so badly, then you are destined to be in big trouble. Take advantage of the current bad altcoin market to buy high-quality altcoins.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the currency circle and first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow Xiaolong, who publishes market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies every day. ”

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