How do you survive in the cryptocurrency circle?

How do novice young people make money by speculating in the cryptocurrency circle?

The survival rule of the 21st century is not to enter a factory, nor to be a white-collar worker, nor to enter the system.

Many people have made a fortune by speculating in cryptocurrencies.

There are people around me who bought Dogecoin with 30,000 yuan. When the market value reached a peak of 10 million, it cashed out when the market value fell to 5 million. This can be considered making money.

I also do contracts for my own entertainment. I use 2,000 yuan

5.6000 times, which has doubled dozens of times. This can be considered making money.

From January to August 2023, I made nearly 800,000 yuan. Is this considered making money?

Do you like to listen to these stories?

But I want to tell you that except for a few people who make money, most people are losing money. After losing money, they regret it. People who do contracts will blame themselves for not being able to control their hands, not stopping losses, and always being greedy.

People who do spot will regret why they listened to others and took over those worthless coins and became the taker.

The cryptocurrency world is the same as other capital markets. I have a suggestion for you: first use 500 to 1,000 yuan to test the waters with a small amount. When you lose all the money, you will be considered to have made a preliminary entry.

Then learn more to understand what information will affect the cryptocurrency world, what is a project party, what is an address, what is a blockchain, what are the hype points of this coin, how is the control ability of this team, etc.

All circles make money in the same way. If you don’t learn, you can’t make money at all. The news you see about sudden wealth is true, but it is also to attract you novices. There are lucky people everywhere.

When you can do it without losing money, or even making a small profit, wait for opportunities like a hunter. Once the opportunity comes, strike decisively, and you are likely to make a fortune.

Come on, young people, learning is essential in any field.

If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle

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