Michael Saylor, executive chairman and founder of MicroStrategy, the listed company that holds the largest number of Bitcoins in the world, often promotes the advantages of Bitcoin. Recently, he once again enthusiastically praised the beauty of Bitcoin and predicted Bitcoin in an 84-minute podcast interview. The price of the currency will eventually reach 10 million US dollars, and even "the whole of China will support Bitcoin."

In this podcast, Michael Saylor boldly made a price prediction, saying that "Bitcoin will cost $10 million per coin," coupled with his usual exaggeration. He pointed out:

What is the difference between "perfect money" and "imperfect money"? Perfect money is economically immortal; imperfect money means that we will all live short and difficult lives.

Michael Saylor firmly believes that Bitcoin is the future of currency. He further emphasized that the biggest focus of Bitcoin is that it can continue to serve society as a mechanism that allows "enterprises to exist forever."

He posed the question before elaborating on the idea: “How do you make your business work forever?”

According to Michael Saylor, from the moment Bitcoin was born, all economic theories instantly became obsolete. He said:

Before Satoshi Nakamoto came along, economics was pseudoscience. It is a semi-religious discipline, full of human opinions, preset positions and prejudices... All economists before Satoshi Nakamoto tried to study economic laws using seashells, glass marbles, pieces of paper and credit tools. .

Ultimately, Michael Saylor's argument revolves around the idea that companies that invest in Bitcoin are well-positioned and will survive longer than companies that remain mired in corporate staleness.

He said: "The general survival time of enterprises is about 10 years. We are talking about eliminating the "death of enterprises", and we are talking about easily extending economic vitality 10 times, maybe 100 times, maybe 1 million times. "

As for how this will happen, Michael Saylor said he believes the Chinese people and government will eventually embrace Bitcoin, and he predicts that at some point in the future, one Bitcoin will be worth $10 million.

MicroStrategy will never sell coins for cash! Michael Saylor even said to “always buy high.”

"Michael Saylor: Bitcoin brings "economic immortality", ultimate target price "10 million US dollars"" This article was first published in "Blocker".