1. How did the price perform after the Bitcoin halving in 2020? The price after the halving fluctuated within a range of 10-15%, and it took about 5-6 months to start rising.

2. If the Bitcoin halving in 2024 performs similarly to that in 2020, the price is expected to fluctuate between $60-70K and then start to rise. #美国PCE数据将公布

3. The situation this time is different:

A. There is still not enough leverage liquidation, and even after the price drops, holders still maintain their leveraged positions, which is not good for price increases.

B. After 2020, the Federal Reserve responded to the unemployment caused by the COVID-19 epidemic by injecting funds into the market, but this is no longer the case. Now, the liquidity and stability of funds in the market may be more uncertain.

C. Many celebrities and cryptocurrency Twitter users have launched some scams, which shows the peak of the mini cycle. When celebrities post cryptocurrency-related tweets, they trigger price increases. This heat may cause short-term fluctuations in the market, and investors need to pay special attention.

4. I think the $61-62K area will remain stable, and investors will exit leveraged positions, with the spot market leading the rebound. Therefore, investors should be cautious about leveraged trading, especially when market uncertainty increases.

Up 🚂 + Q buckle 👇


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