The cryptocurrency world is a free market. The liquidity and trading volume of CEX or DEX and various trading platforms are a total pool. CEX is not a closed market. Even if Binance does not list these projects, they still exist. Trading volume and funds will also be diverted to the corners of the entire industry.

In addition to the unlocking of VC-invested projects, Meme, on-chain local dogs, wool-pulling, and capital disks will be diverted. After the ETF is approved, the traditional financial market will also divert funds that flow directly to the cryptocurrency world.

Let's take a look at VC again. Some VCs are indeed the core reason for the inflated prices, but VCs generally raise funds from LPs for a 7-year lock-up period of 4+3, and collect management fees + dividends; VCs are generally unlocked one year after TGE (not all), so many cryptocurrency VCs are also going bankrupt, and some VCs' LP investments in the cryptocurrency world may also return to zero; and project parties that have received large amounts of financing have more possibilities to cross the bubble cycle, but the fundamentals of the coin price and governance model are determined by the project party. There is no standard answer, and everyone needs to do a more in-depth analysis of project tokens.

The rise of DeFi has brought more liquidity to the industry, increased freedom, and increased the difficulty of formulating rules for CEX, which is precisely the charm of the free market in the currency circle.

However, in the last round of bull market, there were at least small-cap projects with a market value of tens of millions or millions when they were listed. Binance's users have a wealth-creating effect. At the same time, as a leading CEX, it has a great role in promoting the healthy development of the industry and can form a positive cycle. This round of VC coins currently looks like a re-creation of the Internet bubble in 2000. A large number of infrastructure projects without many actual users are listed on the exchange with a starting price of one billion US dollars, and finally the exchange users pay for it. I sincerely hope that there will be more support as listed in the new plan.

Choosing coins is our strength, and making money is just a by-product. The password will be announced in my circle of good friends. My avatar, take a look at my information. Let's communicate together.

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