Revealed: The United States is vast and rich in resources, but it has no mysteries of ancient civilization!

The United States, a country located in the Western Hemisphere, is famous for its vast territory and rich resources.

However, when we look back at history, we find that this land has not given birth to an ancient civilization like that of the Eurasian continent.

Why is this?

We must recognize the uniqueness of the American continent.

Its terrain is narrow from east to west and wide from north to south, which means that long-distance cultural exchanges must cross different climatic zones.

In the absence of animal power, such transportation across different climatic zones is particularly difficult.

Therefore, while the peoples of Eurasia were conducting extensive cultural and commodity exchanges through the Silk Road, the Mongol invasion of the West, and other means, the various civilizations in the Americas were struggling to develop in self-isolation due to inconvenient transportation.

Compared with the Eurasian continent, the biodiversity in the Americas is relatively low, which has also restricted the development of agriculture to a certain extent.

For example, North America does not have as abundant animal and plant resources available for domestication as Asia, which directly affects the stable production of food and population growth.

These two factors, stable agricultural production and increasing population density, are the key to promoting social complexity and state formation.

Let’s take a look at the geography of North America.

Although North America's geopolitical location is extremely advantageous and its natural resources are abundant in modern times, this advantage may not have been obvious in ancient times.

Much of North America was covered in forests and grasslands, suitable for hunting rather than farming.

Moreover, due to the vast area of ​​North America, communication between tribes was more difficult, which also hindered the spread of culture and technology and the formation of a unified country.

Historically, the indigenous people of North America, the Indians, have demonstrated amazing adaptability when faced with the challenges of these natural environments.

They developed a unique hunting culture and semi-sedentary farming methods.

However, with extremely limited communication with the outside world, these cultural and technological innovations are difficult to develop further.

It was not until the arrival of Europeans in the 16th century that North America began to have extensive contact with the outside world.

However, the gap had already been formed by this time, and European powers quickly occupied the New World with advanced military technology and organizational forms.

Although the United States' geographical location seems full of advantages today, in ancient times these so-called advantages became obstacles to the development of civilization.

Environmental limitations, inconvenient transportation and lack of communication with the outside world have jointly led to the lag of ancient North American civilization.

This historical phenomenon reminds us that the development of civilization is a complex process, influenced and restricted by many factors.