#BTC GM comrades, in the new week, we will continue to talk about the market analysis of last week. We predicted that it would fall, but we didn’t expect that the daily line of BTC fell so smoothly in the first two weeks. You can see the falling channel in the figure, and there is no rebound at all. Back to now, as long as the daily line cannot close back to the EMA20 daily line or cannot break through the top of the falling channel near 65,000 US dollars, the downward trend will not change, and the daily and weekly trends are all stepping back. Continue to pay attention to the downward support of 60,000-62,000 US dollars. We expect the daily line to be supported briefly in this range. As for whether the market will rebound from 60,000 US dollars or fall below and continue to fall, I still need to wait until the trend really falls to 60,000-62,000 US dollars to judge based on the real-time closing situation.

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