In the current financial market, there is a very realistic and serious problem that deserves our deep consideration. That is, if the mainstream exchanges do not control the speed of listing, it will bring a series of unpredictable negative effects.

As the speed of listing goes out of control, the number of currencies in the market continues to increase, and limited funds are continuously differentiated. Retail investors, who are already in a weak position, have their few funds gradually eaten up in this situation.

When the market picks up and the main funds try to pull the market, retail investors are unable to follow the market because of the depletion of funds. They can only watch the opportunity slip away, full of anger but helpless, and can only curse to vent their anger and helplessness.

The long-term existence of this phenomenon will not only severely hit the investment confidence of retail investors, but also destroy the healthy ecology of the entire market. The market will lose its vitality and fall into a long-term downturn, and the so-called bull market will become a bubble. Therefore, mainstream exchanges must attach importance to and reasonably control the speed of listing to ensure the stability and fairness of the market, create a good investment environment for investors, and promote the healthy development of the financial market.

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