Blockchain games are carving out a niche for themselves by combining fun interactions with token monetary rewards. With the tap to earn game on Telegram called Notcoin going viral recently, many projects are launching similar games to replicate the success of Notcoin. Tapos, a game built on the Aptos blockchain, stands out in this innovative field, introducing a unique element to digital entertainment through virtual cats and interactive gameplay.

What is Tapos?

Tapos is a blockchain-based game that combines the concept of monetization through gameplay with the appeal of interacting with virtual pets, specifically cats, on the Aptos platform.

As a game, Tapos leverages user interactions with adorable virtual cats to create the HEART token, combining fun with monetization.

What does Tapos aim to achieve?

Tapos is designed to increase blockchain participation and demonstrate the technical capabilities of the Aptos network. Its goal goes beyond pure entertainment to attract users who may not normally interact with blockchain technology. By integrating game mechanics with token earning, Tapos also aims to highlight the scalability and strong transaction capabilities of the Aptos blockchain.

How does Tapos work?

Tapos works based on a simple mechanism, when players join the game by clicking on virtual cats, each click will reward them with HEART tokens. This interaction not only accumulates tokens for players but also contributes to a global total, enhancing the community aspect of the game, promoting collective effort among all participants. You can see this total by clicking the Leaderboards tab on the home page.

To get started with Tapos, click Get Started Now on the Tapos home page. A wallet will be automatically created for you. Be sure to copy your private key and keep it safe, as this will be your key to recovering your wallet in the future if necessary.

Once your wallet is created, you will need to transfer APT tokens to the wallet address to pay network fees before you can begin interacting with Tapos Cat. (A total of 0.1 APT is enough for you to interact with cats about 10,000 times!)

Each game session will last for a short period of time, with the first round of Tapos lasting three days. (It ended on May 25, 2024, but interested users can follow Tapos's X (formerly Twitter) account for updates on the next rounds.)


Users who interact with Tapos Cat will receive HEART token rewards. The amount received depends on their number of interactions in the game compared to the total number of interactions of all players.

Popularity of Tapos

Tapos has significantly raised the profile of the Aptos blockchain by demonstrating its ability to handle huge transaction volumes smoothly.

On its first day, Aptos recorded over 90 million transactions, which then increased to over 115 million transactions the next day (May 25, 2024), surpassing both its previous record and Solana's record in level 31.7 million. This increase was largely driven by the launch of Tapos, which contributed 10 million transactions in its first day. The game also attracts more users by eliminating gas fees for the first 72 hours.

Some highly skilled players have interacted with Tapos Cat up to 15 times per second. This heavy clicking generated over 2,000 transactions per second (TPS) at certain times, largely contributing to the high trading volume recorded.

Tapos's outstanding trading volume

During the three-day campaign, Tapos attracted 63,000 users, generating more than 323 million transactions. This equates to about 5,000 transactions per user — or about 1,700 transactions per day per user. Despite the high number of transactions, there was no significant increase in the number of active users on the Aptos network, suggesting that the spike in transactions was primarily driven by existing users strongly engaging with Tapos game.

Inspired by the tap to earn game Notcoin, Tapos also records each interaction on the blockchain, unlike Notcoin's model where only token transactions are recorded on-chain. Despite its success in terms of trading volume, Tapos has not yet achieved the player count or widespread impact of Notcoin in the gaming and cryptocurrency communities. However, the Tapos team has hinted at future developments, promising updates and new content for the game's most active players.

While there is some skepticism about the game's long-term impact, many see it as a testament to Aptos' strong capabilities and growth potential. It also positions Aptos as a leader in the blockchain-based gaming space, capable of supporting complex operations and a large user base.


Tapos represents an exciting combination of gaming and monetization, setting a precedent in the blockchain gaming market. While it presents a unique opportunity, enthusiasts and investors should approach it with caution and informed decision-making, due to the inherent risks of the cryptocurrency market.