Hardworking ≠ rich, why are most hardworking people not rich? What is the reason! Recommended reading: ★★★★

Hard work equals wealth, which may have been a false proposition since the emergence of humans. In fact, this is not "unfairness" brought about by capital or the progress of the times, because since the era of human tribes and clans, hard-working workers are often not the ones who occupy the most resources in the tribes and clans. Even among insects, ants, hard-working engineers are just hard-working "workers", as if hard work ≠ wealth has been engraved in the soul of every species.

So don’t complain about the world, and don’t blame “God” for being unfair. Instead, use this time to study and improve yourself. If you really want to be rich, you should really think about how to adapt to the rules.


Why is hard work ≠ wealth?

Why are most hardworking people not rich? Because hard work only creates wealth for the society, while wealth means having the ability to distribute wealth.
Creation and distribution are two different things. You only have the right to use the created wealth and decide how the wealth is used and for whom it is used.
The distribution of wealth means having the right to decide who controls the wealth in an environment, how to digest it, and how to store it.

Therefore, the right to distribution is related to wealth.
For example, you are not as rich as your boss because your boss controls the profit distribution of the entire company, while you only control a small part of the profit distribution of the entire company. This is the distribution in the labor relationship.

According to the operating mechanism of society, social distribution has two bases:

First, distribution according to capital, that is, distribution according to the amount of capital owned, is also the mainstream distribution model in today's society. Even POS in the encryption field can be understood in this way. The full name is "Distribution according to capital factors and production factors"

This type of distribution is an important mainstream distribution method under the market economy, and distribution according to capital is divided into several forms:

1. One is that the capital owner deposits the capital into a bank or institution, purchases bonds or stocks, and earns profit from the deposit interest generated. This type can refer to the POS mechanism of the crypto market.

2. Another distribution method is that the owners of functional capital obtain a certain income according to the law. However, distribution according to functional capital is often accompanied by exploitation and oppression brought by different classes, which will bring unfairness.

Second, distribution according to power means distribution according to the size of the power held in society. In many countries, especially those in the second and third world, bureaucratic capital dominates the allocation of national resources. Officials and businessmen are basically one. The greater the power, the more power and resources they control, and the more power they can distribute. The power of distribution also consolidates the stability of the power institution.

Basically, this kind of distribution method is basically illegal, but often the progress of a society and economy requires such a process, because those who have the right to distribute will directly face various serious problems facing national and social development. We can also see that there are many ordinary people who are overthrown, and then the new successors take control of the power and re-exercise the right of distribution.


Of course, there is another way of distribution, which is distribution according to work, but this distribution method is more about the distribution of living resources than the distribution of wealth. For distribution according to work, you can refer to the POW operation mechanism of the crypto market.

Therefore, there is no necessary relationship between diligence and wealth. It is possible to become rich through diligence, but it is not a necessary condition for wealth.
Here I would like to quote the fairness point mentioned in my article yesterday. Don’t always think that God or fate is unfair to you. A hardworking person keeps learning and improving his cognition, while a lazy person does not know how to learn and instead complains about everything. If these two types of people receive the same final treatment and wealth, I think that is the most unfair.

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