Tomorrow is Monday, the beginning of a new week. It is expected that Bitcoin ($BTC) and Ethereum ($ETH) will fluctuate greatly in the coming week, especially in the context of the possible passage of the Ethereum ETF in early July. Here are some of my thoughts and suggestions for trading next week, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Bitcoin ($BTC)

For Bitcoin, the normal entry point is between 61500-62500. If the price falls to between 60000-61000, you can consider entering the market with a pin. Be sure to set a stop loss point below 60000 to prevent excessive losses.

Ethereum ($ETH)

For Ethereum, the normal entry point is between 3250-3350. If the price falls to between 3000-3150, you can also consider entering the market with a pin. Similarly, be careful to set a stop loss point below 3000.


For altcoins, if there is a 20%-30% drop in the pin, you can boldly enter the spot market. For contract trading, you can wait for the second bottom after the pin before looking for an entry opportunity. In any case, you must pay attention to risk control and ensure the safety of your funds.

Risk control

Risk control is particularly important in the case of large market fluctuations. Whether it is Bitcoin, Ethereum or altcoins, you must strictly abide by the stop-loss strategy to avoid major losses caused by drastic market fluctuations.

To sum up, next week's trading strategy is mainly to focus on the key points of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and decisively enter the market when altcoins have a large pin. At the same time, always maintain risk awareness to ensure the safety of your investment. I hope everyone can have a good return in the coming week.