In 2018, I started to get involved in cryptocurrency trading. At first, my investment was not smooth and I experienced a lot of losses. However, after years of experience accumulation and continuous learning, I gradually found some iron rules for success, which made me profitable in the past two years. Here are a few key principles I summarized, I hope it will be helpful to you!

First, strict risk control is the top priority. When I first started trading, I often ignored the risks because of greed, resulting in serious losses. Later, I learned to set a stop loss point for each transaction to ensure that even if the market changes unfavorably, my losses are within control.

Second, be patient and avoid frequent trading. Market fluctuations often make people feel ups and downs and easily lead to impulsive operations. I gradually realized that holding high-quality currencies and holding them for a long time is often more effective than frequent buying and selling. Only when there are clear market signals should you trade to avoid unnecessary losses.

Third, in-depth research and continuous learning. The cryptocurrency market is changing rapidly. Only by constantly learning the latest market trends and technical analysis methods can you stay competitive. I spend time reading relevant news and analysis reports every day to continuously improve my knowledge level.

Finally, stay rational and calm. Market fluctuations are inevitable, and sometimes there will be drastic declines. Faced with this situation, I learned to stay calm, not be swayed by emotions, and rely on my own analysis and strategies to make decisions.

Through these principles, I have achieved continuous profits in trading in the past two years. I hope these experiences can help other investors avoid detours in the cryptocurrency market and achieve their investment goals. #币安合约锦标赛 #币安HODLer空投 #币安上线ZK