Male, born in the countryside, the most favored eldest son in the family, smarter and better than his younger brother, and was admitted to the computer department of a well-known university as a graduate student at an era when college students were rare.

After graduation, he joined the army. He met the county magistrate by chance in the army. The county magistrate saw that he was honest and introduced him to his daughter. After marriage, he was transferred from a remote mountain army to the city overnight and began to work as a military officer. Everything went smoothly.

He cheated on his wife, and the mistress got pregnant before marriage, which destroyed the military marriage and violated military discipline. His original wife divorced him in anger and left the house with nothing.

He lost the protection of the county magistrate, wrote a self-criticism, had an abortion for the mistress, and his reputation in the army plummeted.

He squandered his family wealth for his mistress, and when he saw that he had no hope of promotion in the army, he retired. He passed the civil service exam and received a retirement fee of 300,000 yuan, which he gave to his mistress for plastic surgery.

He took out a loan to buy a house and a car for his mistress, and started to speculate in stocks under financial pressure, but lost all his money. A scammer appeared, claiming that a deposit of 10,000 yuan would return 100,000 yuan. He was fooled and cheated of a million yuan, and began to borrow usury.

Usury compounded interest. He swiped his credit card to buy things for his mistress when he was in debt of millions, became a deadbeat, was restricted by the court for consumption, and his salary was automatically deducted by the court every month. The usury continued to harass relatives and friends.

He had a daughter with his original wife, who had good grades and was studying for a master's degree in law. She had a gentle personality. She was ostracized by the mistress and left home in high school. Since then, she has often lived with her original wife, but she is soft-hearted and still has a lot of contact with her family.

The mistress also had a son and a daughter. When he was in debt, he wanted to buy a house for the mistress's children. He cheated the original wife's daughter's household registration book to use for a loan. The original wife's daughter saw through it and was extremely disappointed and stopped contacting her.

Now 53 years old, he maintains a bubble of a happy family life with his mistress and one son and one daughter. He blocked all debt collection calls and continued to borrow money from credit companies.

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