Today's community's strong tokens, or fully circulated meme tokens!

The general increase is 50%+

There is also a RATS explosion of 97% and it will double immediately!

It seems to tell the market: retail investors will play what the main force does not play; retail investors will pull what the main force does not pull!

You main force wants all kinds of VCs to get cheap chips, and the listing is to sell, sell, sell!

I am a retail investor who only plays with full circulation, so don't think about cutting me, and I won't be fooled by you to take over!

At this moment, the market officially declares that the era of the main force being separated from the masses is over!

The era of retail investors banding together to start capital awakening is coming!

This wave of bull market is destined. Retail investors force the main force to make changes. If they don't change, they won't buy. If they change, I may not buy, but if they want to dump it to me, I will definitely not take it!

The RATS that was previously prompted was 0.0000665. The first-line mid-line heavy position is 50% of one hand, and it is directly doubled at this moment!

In a word: retail investors are invincible!
