The best wisdom of mankind is concentrated in these two words: "wait and hope" - Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

Wait before taking action in an empty position, and wait before cashing in on a position.

Waiting, patience, and short positions are very challenging to one's character. After statistical analysis, we have come up with this set of data.

1. If the transaction is conducted more than 10 times a day, the average return rate in 3 years is -79.2%.
2. If you trade more than 5 times a day, the average return rate over 3 years is -55%.
3. If the transaction is conducted more than once a day, the average return rate in 3 years is -31.5%;
4. If the transaction is more than 0.3 times a day, the average return rate in 3 years is 12%;
5. Trading 0.1 times a day, the average return rate over 3 years is 59%.

The most difficult part of trading is waiting for the right time to sell (earn money) when you are short (full). Those who learn to wait in investment will definitely get benefits. The same is true for cryptocurrency trading.

People in the cryptocurrency circle, no matter how high their emotional intelligence and IQ are, if they lack patience, they will end up in complete failure and become awful leeks.

If you wait patiently, you will get a good price and buying (selling) point, but most of the leeks cannot tolerate waiting because the wait is too long and unbearable.

If you can't stand it, deal with mountains and rivers, read more, make more friends, and enrich yourself, so that you can fight against the inner demon that operates 24 hours a day.

If you think you are unlucky and need to change your luck, you can go out more often. Good luck will come naturally if you walk more. Mountains and rivers can absorb negative energy from investors, cultivate mood, and stimulate personal spirit.

Stay away from haters and complainers, as they have too much negative energy, which will affect your fortune. Get in touch with positive preachers and embrace your fortune with a positive attitude.

A real trader cares about the trend - what to do if the trend proves that you are right after buying, and what to do if the trend proves that you are wrong after buying.

Trading opportunities are not always available, so patience is especially important.

Be patient and wait for the opportunity for the trend to start.

Hold your position patiently and wait for the trend to continue and end.

Patient accumulation and repeated investment are the best way.

Only by studying patiently and accumulating enough knowledge can you achieve great success.

Preach patiently so that engagement can last.

There are only two types of people who make money in the cryptocurrency world.
The first type is those who will hold empty positions and wait patiently for a big drop. When the market drops sharply, they will buy the value coins of their choice with full positions.
The second type is value investors. They buy value coins in a bear market, hold them for a long time, and make regular investments to let the compound interest roll and unleash its magic.
If you can achieve the above two points, you will definitely outperform 99% of the leeks in the cryptocurrency circle and save yourself a lot of trouble and effort.

When the market develops according to the trader's judgment, there is no need to do anything, just watch patiently. In a year or even a cryptocurrency cycle, there may only be a few hours of actual trading, and the rest is a long and lonely wait.

99% of the time is spent waiting, waiting for a year, waiting for a cycle or even longer, while buying and selling only takes a moment!

Wait for opportunities when you are short, wait for profits when you are long!

Currently, the cryptocurrency market has finished the first bull market (halving at the end of April), and may enter a period of volatility or decline. This stage will last for 4 to 6 months at most (to the end of August or October), and 2 months at the shortest (to the end of June). Please wait patiently for the rainbow after the storm (bull market 2 and 3). Qunlao Banxian said, "It is really easy to make money in the cryptocurrency market, but it is difficult to keep wealth." I agree with his point of view. Most people make money by luck, and finally lose it by strength.

Respect the cryptocurrency cycle! Be patient, wait for the flowers to bloom!

Value coin recommendation:


The most core competitiveness of an individual in the cryptocurrency world is waiting.

The most core competitiveness of a group in the cryptocurrency world is consensus (to be explained next time).