History of digital currencies

- 2008 - The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto

In 2008, in light of the global financial crisis, a mysterious figure bearing the name Satoshi Nakamoto published a message on a specialized mailing list announcing that he was creating a decentralized digital currency far from the control of governments and financial authorities, and he invited developers who wished to do so to help him in his project. In 2009, the first appeared. A digital currency, Bitcoin

-2011-2013 The emergence of competing currencies and the disruption of the price of Bitcoin

In 2011, competing cryptocurrencies appeared with the increasing popularity of Bitcoin, known as altcoin. The goal was to provide better features than Bitcoin, such as providing greater speed, anonymity, and many other features. Among the most famous currencies that appeared at that time were Litecoin and Namecoin, and there are currently more than 1,000 currencies. It is traded around the world.

In 2013, the price of Bitcoin began to decline until it reached about $300 after reaching $1,000.

- 2016 - 2017

In 2016, a new cryptocurrency appeared, called Ethereum, and it almost stole the spotlight from Bitcoin, but the popularity of Bitcoin continued in 2017, as its use increased and money was flowing into the Bitcoin and cryptocoi system. During this period, the market value of all cryptocurrencies rose to more than 300 billion dollars.

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