What is BRWL? The full name of BRWL is Blockchain Brawlers. The issue date is 2022-03-30, the issue price is $0.1179, and the maximum supply is 1,000,000,000,000 BRWL. Blockchain Brawlers is the first game developed by WAX Studios and is currently the game with the most active users. Blockchain Brawlers is a Play-to-Earn game for wrestler management and competition.

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There are 400 Genesis Legend NFTs in the game, which are wrestlers, a limited edition Ric Flair NFT, and a wealth of equipment tools.

BRWL is its game token. Every player can earn BRWL as the wrestlers wrestle and win, and use BRWL to enable the wrestlers to continuously improve their strength and eventually become star wrestlers.

BRWL coin distribution quantity and proportion explanation

  • 800 billion is produced in the game, accounting for 80%, which is not explained;

  • The company and market development 200 billion, accounting for 20%, not specified.