The journey of the cryptocurrency circle in 2018, the transformation from loss to profit

Hey, friends in the cryptocurrency circle! Since I entered this turbulent cryptocurrency field in 2018, I have experienced countless ups and downs and hardships. From the initial ignorant losses to the continuous profits based on experience, I know the difficulties on this road. Today, I would like to share with you a few "coin speculation iron laws" I have summarized, hoping to provide some inspiration for your investment path.

Don't blindly follow the trend, first impression is the key!

Hearing that someone made a lot of money, your heart is itchy? But don't jump into it when your head is hot! Coin speculation is a technical job, you have to understand the doorway first, and then decide whether to invest real money.

Chasing up and killing down is a taboo, it is better to wait patiently for the opportunity!

What do you buy? By the time you know it, it may be "the daylily is cold". Be patient and wait for the perfect time to make a move, so that you can win.

Diversify your investment and reduce risks!

Don't put all your money on the same currency! Choose a few promising projects and diversify your investments to lower the risk and stabilize the returns.

Set a stop loss line to protect the bottom line of your principal!

Don't lose your mind for a moment of greed. Set a reasonable stop loss point. Once it is reached, leave the market decisively to protect your principal.

Keep learning and improve yourself!

The currency circle is unpredictable. You have to keep learning new knowledge and understand market dynamics. Don't be blinded by those unreliable rumors and gossip.

Stop when you are ahead, don't be greedy!

Do you want more after making money? Be careful of greed! Take out part of the profit in time and enjoy the fun brought by investment, instead of always pursuing higher returns.

Control your emotions and avoid being swayed by the market!

The market fluctuates greatly, don't be led by emotions. Others are as anxious as ants on a hot pot, you don't have to panic; others are buying, you don't have to chase the rise.

Time is your friend, patience can succeed!

Don't expect to get rich overnight! Time is the best friend of investment. Be patient and move forward steadily, and you will eventually reap your own success. #币安合约锦标赛