📢Good news! Base announced in the official website document that Base Sepolia will launch fault proof in mid-July. 🚀

What does this mean? 🤔Testnet withdrawals will undergo the following changes: First, withdrawals will be proven and finalized according to the fault proof system. 🔍This is an important security upgrade that ensures the safety of funds. 💰

Second, withdrawals will no longer be instant. They will take at least seven days to complete, but may take longer, depending on the results of the corresponding dispute processing used. ⏳While this may be inconvenient for some people, it is to ensure the fairness and transparency of transactions. 🔒

Finally, DisputeGameFactory will replace L2OutputOracle as the new contract for proposing output root statements. 🔄This is a technical change, but for users, it means higher efficiency and a better experience. 🎉

Overall, this is a major upgrade for Base Sepolia and we are very excited about it! 🎈Let's look forward to more good news together! 👏