Why do EOS users have to withdraw money from their wallets to buy RAM? Let me do the math for him. For example, the current pool is 46.5 million. 350 million EOS will be used for market making and 250 million EOS will be used for mining. Then the total amount of the pool will not be less than 500 million. For a pool of 500 million, the memory can at least increase to 30 EOS 1kb. We calculate it based on the future increase to 30 yuan. Of course, it is in the short term. 100 EOS, then at least 30 EOS 1kb. Your 100 EOS can get at least 50,000 EOS. Let's do the math. If you just put it on the exchange, your 100 EOS will cost about 3,000 yuan at a price of 30 yuan. But if you put these 100 in the memory. It becomes 50,000 EOS, then you can get 1.5 million. I put a picture below. I bought 105 EOS and now it has become more than 2,000. You need to understand this. After all, the support of a coin price is whether this coin can make money, right? If it can make money, then the coin will rise. If it cannot make money, then the coin will not rise.