Many people outside the circle think that RAM is too high?

I use my personal experience to prove that RAM is still the absolute bottom now.

In 2020, I bought two coins of a certain ancient currency. At that time, fist was 1,000 yuan per coin, which was 80 times higher, and osk was 4 dollars, which was 100 times higher. After I bought it, the price of fist rose to 820,000 yuan per coin (800 times) and osk rose to 800 yuan per coin (200 times).

The mechanism of RAM is much better than that of a certain ancient currency. First, the Bancor algorithm is better than the DeFi algorithm. Second, RAM has the participation of the foundation with real money. Third, EOS RAM has strong technical support. Fourth, EOS RAM has too many narratives. (Pledge, reinvestment, Bitcoin second layer, ﹉ all the trump cards are in hand).

My preliminary estimate is that EOS RAM has a conservative estimate of 300 times increase, and an optimistic estimate of 1,000 times.

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