What happened to this new coin $LISTA ?

It was listed on binance on the 20th. It was listed on the decline list under the market that should have fluctuated sideways over the weekend. It is currently ranked first on the decline list

$LISTA belongs to the Defi sector

BNB liquid pledge token Slis BNB

The maximum supply is 1,000,000,000 LISTA

Current circulation 230,000,000 LISTA--Circulation rate 23.00%

It has fallen from the highest position of 0.85 to the current position of 0.58

What happened to the new coins listed recently?

Afeng has always suggested not to hold a large position in new coins

It is really hard to grasp

#币安合约锦标赛 #MegadropLista #CryptoTradingGuide