
There was no fluctuation in the account yesterday. It didn't go up much, nor did it go down much. I made a profit of 8,000 yuan, and received the minimum living allowance. As of the closing this morning, the total profit was 390,000 yuan.

If this profit of 390,000 yuan was made last year or in the first half of this year, many people would have sneered at it and looked down on it, because the market seemed very good at that time, and some people thought that they could make money by buying anything, so what's the big deal for you? I can do it too.

In particular, May's forecast reminded people that the bitcoin bear market had bottomed out at the end of 2022, and that there would be good market conditions in 2023. It also reminded people at the end of 2023 that there would be good market conditions in the first half of this year. Those who knew about May's forecast thought that hearing the news was enough and that they could make money by knowing the trend, but the result was not the case.

To be honest, over the past year and a half, apart from the partners in Mayshequ who made profits, there are some people outside who made money, but they are really few and far between.

Even if you made money by chasing a hot currency due to its explosion, you would lose it all later.

Why did I lose money? Why did the market trend in the past year and a half have been so good, and some coins have increased in value, but why did my account still lose money until now?

The reason is that you don't have the ability to carry wealth. What is the ability to carry wealth? It is cognition. Every penny you earn is the realization of cognition. If it is not, and you just earn it by luck, then you will lose it because you don't have this cognition and then operate blindly.

Maybe some people will be unhappy when I say this, thinking that I said so much just to trick everyone into joining May Design Drive?

In fact, for me, whether you join the May setup drive or not really has nothing to do with me. My account is for investment, and everyone watches the rise and fall of my account every day. Any fluctuation can amount to several W or dozens of W. I don’t care about those few thousand dollars.

What's more, I am just using my way to let more people know about May Setu. I want those who are confused, who want to learn to change their destiny, and who want to grasp the future trend of blockchain to understand the strength of May Setu through my articles.

No matter whether you are happy or not, this is the fact. In any industry, you must learn and gain knowledge to avoid risks, see opportunities and seize them.

If you don’t have a clear understanding of what blockchain is, don’t know what the coins you bought are used for, and can’t even understand the ups and downs of the market, and are confused about the bull and bear trends, how can you tell me how to make money?

Anyone in any industry starts from scratch and is a newbie in the beginning. I was no exception. It was because I lost a lot of money in this industry and lost so much hope that I became desperate about life. I was very confused and helpless at that time.

But it was because of the Shequ in May that my destiny was changed. Shequ helped me seize the last bull market and completely get rid of my debt, and at the same time allowed me to achieve a class leap in this bull market. My life is getting better and better because of Shequ.

Let’s not talk about making money first. In the design and learning, in this high-quality circle, at least we can not lose money by improving our knowledge. Making money starts from not losing money.

ORDI, SOL, PEPE, PEOPLE, these coins have been very popular from last year to this year, right? Some people made money on them, but some lost it, and some people who bought in were trapped.

In the previous article, you can compare the price at that time. I reminded people of the risk. The position I reminded them of was almost near the highest point, which clearly reminded them of the risk.

This is all analyzed through the Qianlong tactics I learned from the Institute of Design and Drive. I saw the risks and knew that the market was paying close attention to these coins, so I wrote this article to remind everyone.

If you learn the trading method, can you identify the risks if you have participated in it before and made money, and sell the profits after judging the top? Will those who hear others say that these coins are good not blindly enter the market and buy at high prices and get trapped?

So if you learn the Qianlong tactics, can you avoid these risks? Even if you don’t make money in this year and a half, you are already making money as long as you don’t lose money.

Why is it that not losing money is making money? Think about it, how many people have lost half of their accounts or even more since last year? If 100,000 yuan becomes 50,000 yuan, it needs to double to get back the money. If 100,000 yuan becomes 20,000 yuan, it needs to increase five times to get back the money.

Well, if you learn the trading system and avoid all these risks, you will not lose money, you will not trade in the market that you don't understand, you will not take risks, and you will wait until the best time to trade in the market that you can understand. You will not lose your capital now, and you will make money as soon as the price goes up, unlike others who are still on the way to making back their capital.

Now is a great time to join a professional and high-quality circle to learn. Not only can you learn and improve yourself to become an excellent investor, but you can also follow professional institutions to seize the next big opportunity. #PEPEUSDT #ordi​​​ $SOL