ENS market analysis of the day

ENS has issued a short buy signal at 5 am at the 1-hour level, which is the purple dot. The overall market trend is currently downward. If the current price cannot break through the key resistance level of 26.273, #币安上线ZK

Then when the next purple dot signal appears and is confirmed, it will be a good time for the short camp to enter the market. At that time, the support level will be around 25.205, providing investors with a certain degree of security. #MicroStrategy增持BTC

Under this market, if you grasp it reasonably, you are expected to get a profit of about 4.08%.

Tip: The market is currently in a sideways state at a large level in the same direction, and short-term operations need to be cautious. Investors are requested to plan their investment strategies reasonably and protect their financial security. #ENS.智能策略库🏆🏆 $ENS